It was five years ago this morning when I got the awful news so even though July 21st is the horrible date, I think of the 21st as my last day of ignorant bliss.
A few weeks ago it was the TWENTIETH anniversay of Tiannamen (spelling? who gives a f) Square. I recall how we watched that incident in the hotel the night before going to PLC-Srs and we didn't give a shit about anything in China that's for sure. Twenty years man, can you believe it? Remember that Staff Sergeant Instructor who said to you, "Candidate, you got no lack of discipline!" and like the smart ass you are you said, "Thank you, Sergeant Instructor!"
I talked to your mom Monday night and was in a much better mood after that, strangely enough considering everything. I remember how full of life you were even in your darkest days, always doing stuff and never letting situations get the best of you. You were always in charge of yourself, even when everything around you might have been chaotic. I try to remember that example you set and apply it. It's not easy.
Anyway, not much going on here in New York, except that we have two puppies now and they take all our time. You would love them both, I remember how upset you when my little dachshund Rocky would get the best of your Gomez. Well these littls guys are FIERCE. Too fearless actually, they think Dobermans and Rottweilers are their equals. The girl is a total slut too, she concerns me. Don't see how people have kids I would be a basketcase.
Here are some pics:

Whatever advance party you're on for the rest of us, I hope you get everything squared away before we get there, don't f it up, okay? Yoo know me, I don't want much, just a beachfront villa and five-star restaurants.
I miss you and it doesn't get any easier. Whatever fool said "Time heals all wounds" never had a real wound, that's for sure.
All our love