Saturday, July 21, 2007

Posted by: Paul(
Tuesday, July 4, 2006at 07:32:22

Subject: Paths
I have seen lots of kinds words from people that never met Gary. I'm not sure what I want to say but here goes. Although Gary was younger than me, from a very early age (11) I looked up to him and realised that he was going to be special. Gary new from a yound age what he wanted, following that path was not going to be easy but enjoyable due to the goal at the end. Later on in life I would tell him how he was so smart etc etc and his reply would be simply that he had chosen a different path and was no better than me. That used to make me feel so good. Gary was so adaptable that he could following my path for while but then get straight back on his track. I hope you can understand what I have been trying to say in these past few lines. Gary and I knew that our paths were going to join when we retired. The plan was to get a sail boat and explore the oceans. I would teach him to sail, Alison would cook for us, but I cannot remember what Gary's job was, probably convert any one we met to his way of thinking. I'm still a few years from this but its still the plan.Gary I know our paths will join again and I plan to have lots of great stories to tell.Luv Bruv

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