Without you here, "Happy" Birthday tomorrow seems like the wrong thing to say, but when I think about all the happy times we had, it DOES seem appropriate, in its own way. I remember how happy we were to get 24 hours off on the weekend at Officer Candidate School and how happier still to be graduating. Bar hopping in Columbia, crashing on the floor in the OSO's office, how you learned how to water ski in like 15 minutes. Happy to finish a 5-mile run across the levees at Clemson, or atop the hill in beautiful Laguna Beach. I remember how happy I was to get a phone call from you because we sure as hell didn't make those calls frequently enough. I was always happy to know how in synch we were with our lives even if we were apart.
I was glad to know you were getting happy again, I could tell it in your voice the last time we talked. And I can't help but believe that you are happy wherever you are now and that someday we will be reunited and the happy days will resume.
You would love my new puppy, he's pretty fierce, he's friendly, everyone loves him, but he's aggressive and not afraid of anything. Many times I've wished you could meet him. So here's a pic...

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