Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Gary

Happy Birthday Gary. If you taught us all one thing it was to be happy with what we have and what we are doing. There is a soldier in my church that has been in Iraq. He has been at church for the last couple Sundays. To see him with the two small children that were with him reminds me that we all have something for which to be thankful. Not knowing the soldier, I would assume being home for Christmas has to be a blessing.

Gary and his birthday reminds me that we all need to live, love and enjoy the time that we have with the people that mean the most. I will always remember Gary and the time I did spend with him, which looking back I always wish was more. He was an important person in many people's lives. He was a friend, brother, son, officer and he would have been a great father too I'm sure even though his time on earth must not have been meant for that.

One thing I think we can all do on his birthday is remember Gary's life. Birthday's are meant for celebrating life, not death, so even though it is a difficult day for those close to him, maybe we can remember all the good things and smile a little through the tears.

Happy Birthday Gary!

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